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Middle School Novice high: Daily Lesson Plans

Theme, Goal, Population Can Do Statement Summative Assessment


Day 1


  • Scan the core vocabulary in text1 “我的小天地”
  • Read and understand the new words

Teaching materials

Check homework

  • Assigned homework before Day 1 (see the instruction in day1_homework).  Distribut the worksheet day1_homework and day1_text1.
  • On Day 1, make sure students highlighted the correct words & have the correct numbers filled in column 2.  Ss can work in pairs to check for each other’s work.


  • Use the slides #3-15 in day1_ppt showing 小文’s room to go over the new words
  • Prompt Ss to notice 小文 is sad. Say to SS: She is sad because her room has no furniture, she needs to buy the inexpensive furniture on for her room because she has very limited budget (她没有很多钱。)
  • While going over the new words, students fill in columns 3 (guess pinyin by listening to Teacher pronouncing the vocabulary) & 4 (write English meaning from looking at the pictures in story) in day1_homework sheet.
  • Give students 10 minutes: to check online dictionary for correct pinyin- fill in column 5 in day1_homework sheet.


Vocabulary quiz at beginning of Day 2
Day 2


  • Identify the component of 木
  • Distinguish a radical木and a component木
  • Write new characters in correct word orders

Teaching Materials
day2_voca quiz

Formative Assessment: Vocabulary quiz
Use day2_voca quiz


  • Introduce 木部, use the slides #3-4 in day2_ppt.  Use the location words (左边、右边、上面、下面)to indicate the position of 木in a character
  • Guide students to identify the “木” as a 部件 or 部首 (Slide #5-6)
  • Have students scan Text 1 (day1_text1), highlight all the characters which have “木” 
  • Divide student in pairs.  Give each pair the worksheet-day2_worksheet.  Students in each pair on Task 1-6.  Teacher should check students’ work after each task (see the instructions are on worksheet and Google slide #7-13).
Day 3


  • Identify the component of辶
  • Write new characters in correct word orders

Teaching Materials


Formative Assessment: 木部 quiz 
Use day3_quiz


  • Distribute day3_worksheet.  Show slide #2 in day3_ppt.  Have students to identify the common component shared by all the characters.
  • Introduce辶, slide #3.
  • Scan text 1, highlight all the characters which have “辶”
  • Choose 1 of the characters in the worksheet and discuss with your partner what you “think” is the correct way to write this character, practice writing in the boxes below:
After you think you have written the character correctly, go to and follow the stroke order animation. Check stroke order and direction (did you guess correctly?)
Day 4


  • Locate the location of an object through listening and reading.
  • Use the core sentence structures to describe an object’s location.

Teaching Materials


  • Teacher leads the class to engage kinesthetic movement “我们来运动”(Slide #2 in day4_ppt)
  • Share the objectives with Ss (PPT #3~4)
  • Review vocabulary learned from previous lessons (PPT #5~7)
  • Review: Sentence structure “Subject 在 location V-noun”.  (Describing pictures; asking students Ex: 你喜欢在哪儿画画?你常常在房间玩手机吗?)

Activity 1   Describe items in certain locations房间里面有桌子

  • Introduce the phrase to describe a location (PPT #8): 房间的里面、老师的前面、床的右边
  • Introduce the sentence structure to describe an item at a certain location  (PPT #9~10): Noun 的location 有 objects (房间的里面有桌子和椅子)
  • Comprehensible input & drill practice看图说话 (PPT #11-12)。

Activity 2   Describe the location of a specific item 衣服在床上

  • Introduce the sentence structure: Person or Thing 在 Noun 的 location (我的书包在椅子下面) (PPT #13-17)
  • Drill practice & provide Scenarios, such as a Chinese sub asks to find the students, talk about family picture, describe the room. (PPT #18-20)
Students use laptops or mobile devices to play “Kahoot Jumbo” (PPT # 21) to reinforce the sentence structures and word segmentation. (
Day 5


  • Use reading strategies to comprehend a text.
  • Comprehend literal and inferential meanings in a text.

Teaching Materials
day5_furniture cards

  • Have students to predict the content based on the title of  “我的小天地” (PPT # 2)
    Based on the title“我的小天地”, what do you think this story is about? Tell Ss, write down their predication.  Ss will have the opportunity to correct their response after reading the 1st paragraph.
  • Activate the prior knowledge about rooms: 你们家有什么房间?你喜欢哪个房间?你在那个房间做什么?

Activity 1     1st  Paragraph (PPT #3-4)

  • Distribute a clean copy of Text 1.  Teacher leads Ss to read aloud the 1st paragraph.
  • Demonstrate the reading strategies by thinking-aloud and asking Ss questions. The process models the reading strategies, such as finding the key words, connecting meanings expressed in sentences, monitoring comprehension, and asking questions, etc.  
  • 老师带学生大声读第一段。请学生找出文本中的主词;看他们圈的对不对。
  • 问学生:谁写了这篇文章?写给谁看?
  • 问学生: “这是”,指的是什么?
  • 问学生:“天地”是什么意思?(请看前面那一句)
  • 问学生:“中学生”是什么意思?你是大学生?中学生?还是小学生?

Activity 2   2nd Paragraph (PPT #5-6)

  • Lead Ss to read aloud 2nd paragraph
  • Demonstrate the reading strategies by thinking-aloud and asking Ss the following questions.
  • Have Ss circle the verb and subjects; check the accuracy of what they circled.
  • 问学生:哪一个句子最重要?
  • 问学生:“你看”的“你”是谁?the other evidence of who the readers are.
  • Have Ss underline “房间的里面”.  他/她房间的里面有什 么?他/她有什么“毛绒绒的玩具”
  • 哪个玩具是他/她的最爱?(如果学生说“小米”; 问学生”小米”是谁?为什么?)
  • 问学生:你有没有“毛绒绒的玩具”?你有什么“毛绒绒的玩具”

Activity 3    3rd Paragraph (PPT #7-11)

  • Lead Ss to read aloud 3rd paragraph  
  • Have Ss circle the verb and subjects; check the accuracy of what they circled.
  •  问学生:“迪士尼”是什么意思?他/她去的“迪士尼”在哪儿 (在上海?香港?美国洛杉矶?)
  • 问学生:“乐园”是什么意思?乐?园?乐+园?
  • 问学生:鸭、鼠是什么?唐老鸭、米老鼠 是什么?(学生如果答不出来,老师可以用迪士尼、卡通人物来提醒。)
  • Read-aloud the 3rd paragraph again in pairs. Give students 1 min to come up with 2 questions related to the 3rd paragraph in Chinese. Write their questions on the whiteboard. 
  • Each pair asks their questions and select other students to answers.  
  • Teacher can supplement more questions, such as:他/她房间的里面也有什么?他/她在哪里买这一张海报?海报上面有什么? 
  • Guide Ss to recall what they read from previous 3 paragraphs.   

Activity 4  lexical compounding (PPT #12)

  • Lead Ss to read aloud the 4th paragraph
  • Divide Ss in groups of 3 or 4.  Distribute day5_worksheet.  Students in each group work together to complete Task A.
  • Check the words they write with the character “电” and select some students to present their sentences.


Activity 5  4th-5th paragraph (PPT #13-15)

  • Print out the furniture cards in day5_furniture cards for each student.
  • Ask Ss to write the Chinese name in characters for each furniture item on the back of the card. 
  • Ss arrange the cards based on the 4th paragraph text in the worksheet (Task B).
  • Teacher will go around to check Ss accuracy & comprehension; ask them questions for correct output, such as床在哪儿?他/她 房间的里面有什么?
  • As a whole group, check their comprehension.  Use the two sentence structures to ask questions, such as 床在哪儿?什么在床的左边?书架上有什么?什么上面有电脑?
  • Ss read the last four sentences in the 4th paragraph. Have students in pairs to discuss : 他/她的爱好是什么?他喜欢在房间里做什么?
  • Ss read the 5th paragraph and then问一问你旁边的同学:他/她的房间怎么样?他/她喜欢他/她的房间吗?

Activity 6     Read-aloud the whole text

  • Reading-aloud helps students to recognize characters and words automatically.
  • 1st time: the whole class reads the text aloud together with the teacher.
  • 2nd time: 3~ 4 people in a group; each group takes turns reading paragraph by paragraph.
  • 3rd time: individual group members take turns reading a paragraph of their choice as fast as possible
  • Teacher as conductor, directing the whole group to read with different tempo and dynamic, a.k.a., fast or slow; loud or soft.

Exit Slip (PPT # 16 & Post-It notes)

  • Each student writes a sentence to describe the room in Slide #16 using the vocabulary and sentence patterns in this unit, such as 电脑在桌上.
  • Write the sentence in a post-it note as exit slip.

Use day5_homework


Day 6


  1. Use graphic organizers to summarize the main ideas of texts
  2. Evaluate the texts and give opinions.


Teaching Materials
day6_GO text1
day6_GO text1 (for teachers)

Warm up

  • Have all students get up and follow movements and dance to" 冰原漂移舞“ to engage the students. (PPT #2-3)
  • Review: Show the title of text 1 ( 我的小天地) and what inside the bedroom PPT#3 (床,海报,玩具.....). (PPT #4)

Activity 1 Read Aloud (slide #5-8)

  • Read aloud Text 1 (day1_text1).  First time-read aloud for paragraph 1, 2 and 3.  Select one student to read the word"房间” only, the rest of the class will read the rest of the text. 
  • Second time Read aloud Text 1:  Paragraph 4-5.  One students will be assigned to read “location” 的词, the rest read the remaining text.
  • Third time read aloud : popcorn reading ( 爆米花 bào mǐ huā)for further fluency. Select the first student who reads at least one sentence. He/she stops at a punctuation, say " bào mǐ huā” and choose the next person to read. Repeat the process.  

Activity 2   Use Graphic Organizers

  • Using graphic organizers helps students to organize the ideas in a text.  Teachers need to provide the graphic organizers first.  When students are familiar with this too, they can draw their own graphic organizers. 
  • Divide students in pairs.  Distribute day6_GO text1 to each pair.
  • Model for students how/what to complete a graphic organizer (demonstrate the first two boxes)
  • Students in each pair work together to complete the graphic organizer.  (day6_GO text1 answers for teachers’ reference).

Activity 3   Summarizing a Text (slide #10)

  • Students in pairs and complete the cloze exercise in day6_worksheet (p. 1)
  • Teacher select students to offer their answers.

Activity 4   Making inferences (slide #11-16)

  • Divide students in pairs. Students in each pair work on Task (A) and (B) (day6_worksheet, p. 2)
  • Note for Task (A) Please refer to the answer key and mentioned 周杰伦’s English name,Jay Chou,  or his movie《不能说的秘密(secrets)》 to activate background knowledge. Guide students to say 周杰伦是一个歌手, 因为文章中说“ 我最喜欢他的歌”
  • Check students’ replies for Task (A) and have them to work on Task (B)
Note for Task (B) : Model the graph in PPT # 16 to guide student use the pattern “ 因为.....所以....."
Day 7


  1. Compare two texts with a similar theme.
  1. Describe a room.
  1. Provide one’s evaluative comprehension of texts.

Teaching Materials

Activity 1   Comparison (Slide #2-3)

  1. Divide students in pairs.  Distribute day7_worksheet to each pair.
  2. Have the students in each pair work on Activity 1 in the worksheet
    (day7_worksheet, p. 1).
  3. Answer the questions in the worksheet.
  4. Remind students to go back to the text to search for information to support their answers. Also ask students to use “ 因为........, 所以........" to express their opinions.
  5. Teacher selects students to provide their answers. 

Activity 2   Describe a new room (Slide #4-7)

  1. Divide students in groups of 3-4. 
  2. Have each group work on Activity 2 in the worksheet (p. 2).
  3. Prepare 3 big poster papers, each poster for one question (see the 3 questions in the worksheet).
  4. Discussion: let each group share what they wrote.

Formative Assessment (Assign this task as homework)

Write a paragraph to describe this new room (Slide #7) using the words and sentence patterns learned in this unit.  Also, express your opinions whether you like this room or not. Make sure you give reasons why.  (Suggested length: 100 characters)
Day 8

Learning Objectives

  • Comprehend and summarize main ideas of texts.
  • Compare the living spaces in different countries and cultures.

Teaching Materials
day8_4 reading texts
day8_room pictures

Activity 1   Jigsaw Reading (Part 1)

  • Print out 4 readings (text1, text2, text3, text4) with questions in four different color papers, such as green, blue, yellow, pink (day8_4 reading texts)
  • Divide students in 4 groups.  Give each group the same text, such as Group 1 receiving Text1 (green color), Group 2 receiving Text 2 (blue color), etc.
  • Students in each group read their text and answer the questions.

Activity 2   Jigsaw Reading (Part 2)

  • Regroup the students.  Students bring their texts with them to form groups.   Each group should include 4 students, 4 different colors.  In other words, each group has all four texts
  • Students in each group take turn to read/summarize their texts aloud to the other group members.
  • Distribute 4 room photos to each group (day8_room pictures)
  • Students in each group work together to match the four texts with the four pictures.

Activity 3   Inferential and evaluative questions
Inferential questions: about the 4 texts

  • Where do you think all these four texts are most likely from?
  • Novel 小说 xiǎoshuō
  • Magazine 杂志 zázhì
  • Personal Blog 个人博客 gèrén bókè
  • Email 邮件 yóujiàn
  • 谁没有自己的房间?
  • 你觉得谁的衣服可能最多?你怎么知道?
  • 那个家庭比较有钱?
  • Which child do you think is the most likely to be an outdoor person? Why?
  • Whose parents are the strictest? Whose parents are the most indulgent?

Evaluative Question  
Which family would you like to live with? WHY?


  • Read the two paragraphs and answer the comprehension questions (day8_homework)
  • Discuss the answers the next day.  Allow the students to offer the answers and confirm if they are correct before showing the answers.
Day 9

Summative Assessment
Writing - 我的小天地
See prompts and rubrics in day9_summative assessment.